Harrison County, Mississippi Long Term Recovery Committee (LTRC)

Unaffiliated Volunteers

If you have any issues submitting the below form, please give us a call at (228) 896-2213.

If under 18, your parent or guardian must agree to the Release of Liability below.

Release of Liability

I, for myself and my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, hereby release, indemnify and hold harmless the Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service, local governments, State of Mississippi, the organizers, sponsors and supervisors of all disaster preparedness, response and recovery activities from all liability for any and all risk of damage and bodily injury or death that may occur to me (including any injury caused by negligence), in connection with any volunteer disaster effort in which I participate. I likewise hold harmless from liability any person transporting me to or from any disaster relief activity. In addition, disaster r relief officials have permission to utilize any photographs or videos taken of me for publicity or training purposes. I will abide by all safety instructions and information provided to me during disaster relief efforts.

Further, I expressly agree that this release, waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the State of Mississippi, and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.

I have no known physical or mental condition that would impair my capacity to participate fully, as intended or expected of me.

I have carefully read the foregoing release and indemnification and understand the contents thereof and sign this release as my own free act.

Community Disaster Response

Need Assistance?

If you need assistance with tarp installation, tree or debris removal, hurricane clean-up, or home repair, click here.

Want to Volunteer?

Individuals or groups looking to volunteer to assist with Emergency Disaster relief and recovery register here.

Want to Donate?

Financial donations to the Harrison County LTRC Member Organizations will support emergency disaster relief and recovery efforts in Harrison County.

need more information?

Stay up to date on road closures, power restorations and more here

Our Mission

To assist Harrison Co.’s most vulnerable residents in receiving home restoration support, in the aftermath of storms and other natural disaster events.

Services will be provided regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, creed, ancestry, national origin, color, sexual orientation, disability, or religion.

The LTRC is a local collaboration of non profit organizations dedicated to assisting individuals with disaster related needs, after the immediate relief efforts by MEMA County Emergency Management Offices are extended to the community.

© 2022. All rights reserved.